Why should you use High Quality Securing Equipment?
With the economy where it is today most businesses feel the need to save money wherever they possibly can. However this can be tricky as sometimes while trying to save money they may actually end up losing a lot more than the original amount you were trying to save. Few businesses nowadays pay sufficient attention to the security of the cargo they are trying to transport from one place to another. This may be anything from a brand new car to simpler things which are transported on a pallet. However what they forget is the importance of securing the cargo with the RIGHT securing equipment which is HIGH in QUALITY.
The words HIGH QUALITY are written in capital because most businesses tend to choose their supplier of securing equipment based upon the price they quote them without looking closely at the quality of the product. This is acceptable if you’re transporting goods which you don’t mind turning up in bad shape i.e. just a few scratches and a bump on the side of the brand new car which your customers have not yet driven. Is this really the kind of image you want to show your customers? If No than read on and find out how we can help you prevent your cargo from being damaged.
Let’s get one thing straight, everyone’s cargo is different, their transportation method is different and the way they transport their goods is different. This means everyone will need different equipment for their cargo. Below are just insights into some of the ways in which your cargo can be damaged. Coming soon, we will be publishing blogs about all of our securing products to provide you with details of our products, their capabilities and their use.
Now some of the most common ways that cargo gets damaged are as follows:
· Sliding
· Turning and Tilting
· Condition of Transportation Vehicle
Sliding is the most common way cargo can get damaged and in some cases it can go to the extent of damaging the transportation vehicle itself. The friction of the vehicle and the cargo cannot be relied upon to make sure the cargo doesn’t move. Most people think that a cargo which is heavy is very unlikely to move due to the friction of the vehicle and the cargo weight. You may logically think it makes sense, however when you add speed to the equation it’s a whole different matter. This is because when the vehicle is travelling at speed and requires to brake sharply the vehicle decreases it’s speed, however the cargo within will still be travelling at the original speed of the vehicle prior to breaking. This will cause the cargo to hit against the headboard of the vehicle, and this could be fatal if the cargo is heavy.
Turning & Tilting can be dangerous as it can cause the vehicle to overturn if the cargo isn’t secured properly. If the right equipment isn’t used to ensure the cargo doesn’t tilt or turn during the journey. It can cause the trailer or the container to overturn causing damage to the cargo as well as the vehicle or the transport vessel. Moreover it can cause the transporting crew’s lives to be put in danger. In order to avoid this type of incident you should use the right equipment in the first place and importantly you should use equipment of high quality.
Condition of the transport vehicle also plays a role in the safety of the cargo; this means if the vehicle of transportation is in a bad condition it can damage the cargo within. For example if the surface of the trailer or container is uneven every time the vehicle moves about the cargo within is unlikely to remain static.
For more information on securing cargo visit our website (Fortris Load Secure) where one of our dedicated team members will be more than happy to help and discuss the best type of equipment for your cargo.
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